t’s always with great anticipation that I open up Mary Meeker’s annual Internet Trends Report. The report always includes some really interesting data that helps me understand how the Internet and technologies associated with it are changing and there are always several big themes that create new foci for the year ahead. This year is no different and I thought I would share some of those takeaways in the context of the local marketing industry. Arguably how the Internet affects local commerce was one of the biggest themes this year and that starts with mobile…
The End of the Paid Media Addiction
Going through my Twitter stream today (owned media) I caught a headline and video on TechCrunch that resonated a lot with my thinking lately about marketing spend and how many companies struggle with earned and owned media- and hence this blog post that you are reading (earned media). An SEO software company, Conductor, launched a new campaign called the End of Paid Media and it’s great!
6 Graphs That Put the Future of Local Marketing in Perspective
For the next week, we are putting a big focus on thinking about the Retail Industry given our Retail 150 Local Marketing Report Card research. When watching 60 Minutes, you might think that in a couple of years most retail sales would all occur online and be delivered by airborne drone. Instead, the industry data paints a much different picture.
Local Advertising Trends 2015 - Infographic
The Marketing Talent Gap: Too Much Advertising, Not Enough Marketing
As a follow up to our post on why only 2% of local businesses think pay-per-click advertising is effective, we started getting asked why are people paying so much for it? We were asked a lot! With costs per click continuing to go up, why spend money on advertising vs the marketing channels that were orders of magnitude more successful? We are examining this a bit in our upcoming white paper on The Top Digital Marketing Opportunities for 2014, coming out in December.
How Apple Maps Stole 23 Million Users From Google Maps
LocalVox’s Postling Software Named One of Top 25 Social Media Tools
We love marketing infographics at LocalVox, especially when they say good things about us. This infographic from the Social Media Strategies Summit 2013 that was published in Social Media Today breaks down the top 25 social media tools by functional category. We are very pleased to be included under “Social Conversation” – and isn’t that really the heart of social media marketing?
Top 3 Reasons Why Google Will Inevitably Beat Yelp in the Review Game
Google is new to the review game with the launch of Google+Local in May 2012 (see all Google Maps Updates and History), whereas industry leader Yelp has been focusing on reviews since October of 2004. As a result, traditionally local businesses have been focusing on their Yelp reviews, but they should start transitioning to focus on Google+Local. Here’s why Google is going to win in the long term (my 2 year prediction).
2014 Will Be the Year That Large Retailers and Franchises Wake Up to the ROI of Local Internet Marketing
Content Marketing is About Influencing the Zero Moment of Truth
A vacation is a great chance to catch up on all that reading that you have been meaning to do. For many that’s fiction, poetry or political commentary, but whether it is an indictment of my workaholic nature or not, I am on a beach reading about local marketing and a great piece by Google called the Zero Moment of Truth. It’s wonderful white paper that talks about the influence of your online brand to every traditional touch point in the marketing models of the past 20 years.