Email Test

Sorry for the quick maintenance post. It appears that the email service I had wasn't working and this appears to be the only way to test. If you have email subscriptions, you haven't received my first four blogs. Go to to get em. Sorry for the confusion.

Here were the topics:
The Fat Free Burger King
Information Mash-Up
Contextual Control is Contagious
Partnering Language and Thinking

The Fat Free Burger King

In a time when fast food chains are changing their image to be healthier, Burger King just announced it's stacker, a triple decker mound of saturdated fat. Of course the reality is their "healthy options" aren't so healthy. Some of the McDonald's salads have more fat than their burgers. I can no longer tolerate fast food after the movie Super Size Me. Who wants to become walking foie grois?

However, I just ordered a burger from Paul's Place - fantastic greasy burgers. I asked for a side salad with fat free ranch.

"Nothing here is fat-free," the clerk on the other end of the phone replied in a snarky NY accent.
My own hypocrisy made me laugh. But it also made me love Paul's more. As a product marketer, it's nice to see someone honestly promote what they make, and honestly make what they promote.

For the best greasy burger in the East Village, go to Paul's place.

Free of worry, and thus truly fat free.

Paul's Place
131 2nd Ave
New York, NY 10003
(212) 529-3033

Information Mash-Up

The best album I have heard in years is the Best of the Booties 2005. The “Booties” is a party thrown every month in San Francisco and they compile the best mash-up music. “Mash-ups” are songs made from splicing other songs together. Kind of like a remix, but without the need to put on something new. For example, one song is the lyrics of Billy Joel’s “Big Shot” on top of the beat of Jay-Zs “Big Pimpin”. Or the Beatles on top of the music of the Black Eyed Peas “Let’s Get Retarded” with Ludacris. Now these mash-ups are the hottest songs in many clubs in NYC.

The most famous mash-up album is the Grey Album, by DJ Danger Mouse. It plays Jay Z’s lyrics from the Black Album with musical loops from the Beatles “White Album.” And here is the important thing - it went platinum without selling a single album!

You can’t release a mash-up song commercially because the terms of reuse in the music industry make it too costly. You have too many royalties to pay off of real samples. Yet the Internet has become a free channel for the distribution of music. If you don’t mind not getting paid, you can reach millions. And Danger Mouse did. Of course with that notoriety he partnered to launch Gnarls Barkley, which has the #3 album and song on iTunes. So he did just fine.

But there are several interesting points here. The Internet is challenging all kinds of traditional industries and their revenue strategies and channels. From music licensing to sales taxes to buying books. These industries are not adapting nearly as quickly as you would expect. That’s an opportunity.

The cost of distributing information has gone to zero; the challenge is to rise above the noise. Distributors and middle men are being commoditized: the value they provide is approaching zero. That’s why record companies are struggling. They have spent so much time protecting themselves as a distribution network that they didn’t realize that distribution no longer is the valuable part of their business.

So here is the opportunity:

1. Information is free, available widely for consumption on the Internet,
2. The challenge is to get the right info to the right people in new ways
3. And existing companies haven’t been up for the challenge

The next wave of killer apps will be those that mash-up all kinds of information and package it for you in innovative ways you haven’t even thought of: automatic text messages when your friends are within blocks of each other (GPS). Driving directions from Google combined with real-time traffic analysis for optimal driving directions. Combining music listings with MP3 services, Podbop allows users to choose a city and listen to legally available music from bands playing in town that day and in the future. A host of new services will be created by people in garages, not in MSFT offices. It’s the long tail of innovation.

I would really like something that looks at my top rated iTunes artists from my collection and sends me an alert when they are playing in NYC. No need to set it up with Ticketmaster or anyone else. Just works automatically. How nice would that be?

What sources of information do you have trouble putting together, or in other words, what mash-up do you need?

Contextual Control is Contagious

I am currently reading Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point (I know a couple years late to the party). Halfway through, I find myself hoping for more (or because of his roundabout style, less and more to the point). But one point I found most interesting was his discussion of the “Power of Context.” It basically asserts that our actions and thoughts are determined more by the context around us, rather than our nature or previous experience. One of the greatest examples of this is study done at Stanford in the 70s where they closely mimicked prison conditions with volunteers as guards and prisoners. They had to stop the experiment in just 6 days - normal people were torturing prisoners.

Given the last post on language and thought, let’s go through a little language exercise. But first let’s talk about the word “yawn.” You probably would say that you yawn because you are tired. Some might say that the yawn is the body’s way of getting more oxygen. The yawn pulls in a deep breath. It is even spelled phonetically like that: “yawn.” But why do you really yawn? Pause. Think of your answer …

Well, the answer is because I told you to. Chances are that most of you yawned while reading this or will yawn in the next minute or two. Not because you are tired (previous experience), not because you always yawn in the afternoon (nature) and hopefully not because what I write is boring. You will yawn because I set a simple context that affected your behavior. For the record I yawned 5 times when I wrote this. It’s not the sleep apnea … it’s simply the context around me.

In my line of work in product marketing and sales, this is what it is all about. I may not be the guy who gets them to sign at the dotted line or even make the great pitch, but I help set the context for someone to spend several hundred thousand dollars on software. And if you can set the context for contagious behavior you get things like My Space, text messaging, and iPods. All I needed was a cartoon dancing to realize I needed an iPod. Didn’t you?

Oh and if someone around you saw you yawn, they might yawn as well. And they may spread it too. How many people are yawning today because I read The Tipping Point and wrote about this? How many yawns were just because of Gladwell? Millions. Billions?

If you can make anyone yawn, what else can you do by simply setting the right context? Do you think about context every time you try to affect an action out of someone? Shouldn’t you more? What other tricks do you have up your sleeve?

Partnering Language and Thinking

Have you ever wondered why no one can remember any memories from before the age of about 6? The common theory is that the brain organizes your memories in the language which you have just learned to speak. Over time, all those previous memories become an unrecognized format. So if your thoughts are modeled as language, what does that say about how language limits your ability to think?

Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline, points out how deeply language affects our thinking. Western thinking is linear. Very cause and effect. So is our language: subject-predicate. I did this. He caused that. Eastern language structure is much more circular, and so is their thinking. From reincarnation to greater notions of causality, eastern cultures see more dimensions and reinforcement effects. Looking at the most successful new technology and Internet services, the majority seem to be viral networks: MySpace, Flicker, YouTube, blogging,, or Squidoo. The Internet has vastly reduced the barriers to connectivity, between businesses and between people. Should our language evolve to do the same?

This brings up an obvious question: How has our language evolved? Last year’s word of the year was podcast. Audio transmissions are becoming much more a part of our lives. It started with the familiar incantation of music. Now I listen about a quarter of my ear bud time to podcasts on business and entrepreneurship and I am looking for lectures on a variety of new topics.

But the word that has most recently struck me is “partner.” My mother recently referred to her 70 year old friend and her partner. I was shocked and responded “My god, Regina is a lesbian?” Well, no she is not. It has just become such a popular term that even heterosexuals are using it, but it still retains its gay undertones. So as “partner” proliferates, so does acceptance of gay unions.

That’s why Republicans are fighting gay marriage now, because people are gaining sensitivity to it. Their only chance is to fight it now. It may not be because of language, but the change in our language is a pretty clear indicator of the way people’s opinions, their thoughts, are changing.

How has language constrained (or enabled) your thinking?